
Menampilkan postingan dari 2014

ill will

You've hurt me I realized that,,,,, you never left me and I realized it ... I never thought you could not love me if I still hope that you might want

my mother is my inspiration

Oh mom thank you  For the love that never ended  Sincere love would not be able  for shortchanged  Oh god I hope mom  Give peace in your life  White love that it immortal  in my life


But suddenly there you have This heart hurt Really I was disappointed, I want to say Sorry if I fell in love in love Sorry if my only love When you've got nothing Should I think it's just buried Or do I go ahead Until you leave, and we shared

enough already

The heart may not want you back ... But this dream I am always proud of ... And I never regret my love for you ... For me Wherever you have is enough for me ... Wherever I go always lonely without you ... Wherever I stand the ever-present shadow of mu ... My tears dropped into this for you ... When you let go of my love for him ... And in the most beautiful moment with you ... It is always there in every trace my steps


MY BEST FRIENDS FOREVER Hard, sad, and happy we together Wounds, sorrow, and love we face ... Together with you ... Together ... Although sometimes we do not the same, no one thought ... But that temptation, we must go through ... Together with you ... Together ... You are so mean ... Companions (In my life) I want you always here ... (With me) May we together Forever ... Forever ... Although sometimes we do not the same, no one thought ... But that temptation, we must go through ... Together with you ... Together ... You are so mean ... Companions (In my life) I want you always here ... (With me) May we be the "co ... Forever ... Forever ... Forever ...


It goes without searching ... The figure of a lover's heart ... In this in my life ... That sweet head in her weary waiting ... The morning sun was shining ... Encourage careful tuk remain calm ... Until the afternoon sun goes down ... This heart was still feeling comfortable ... Better!!! My own ... Instead of thinking of a lover ... The never understand ... Better!!! My own ... Although my lonely days alone live ... I still live! All of these ... I still live ...

WASTE OF A MAN TO BE A Billionaire

WASTE OF A MAN TO BE A Billionaire Previously I never thought you guys would not even sure there was a garbage man who became a billionaire . Mulyono , a man who berpekerjaan a garbage man who daily garbage collecting only around a small supermarket around where he lived for his wife and son . He never thought he would get a windfall and never thought I would experience a very drastic change like this . On a day when Mulyono was looking for garbage , he met an old man who lost a child in a supermarket where he used to seek fortune every day . Bapat it tells a lot about how he initially bias the loss of her son . And finally with a sense of compassion and care for fellow creatures of God , Mulyono was willing to help the old man to find his son . For hours they searched the surrounding area around the supermarket , the old man felt frustrated to see his son who in searching never met . He was eventually regret himself, because he could not keep the children. Because prayer in Muly...


CPM FUNCTION AND FUNCTION WBS FUNCTION CPM ( Critical Path Method ) CPM is a method for identifying pathways or critical work items . To manually make it mathematically . Quite complicated especially items are many and complex job . But nowadays a lot software provides the facility to get the CPM . CPM is a derivative of the Bar Chart . In fact , many actors project ( Contractor , Supervisor , and Owner ) are not familiar with these tools except for one that already has the education , training and adequate experience . But the numbers are still not the worst . The use of CPM is merely a condition which must be submitted by the contractor in the auction . After that in practice , almost never used . CPM should have been made ​​at the time of tender , be the baseline in monitoring project implementation . Based on the experience of the project , the CPM method is actually very powerful in helping the project out of all problems FUNCTION WBS ( work breakdown structure ) WBS IS s...


PROJECT MANAGEMENT and RISK That the intention of the project is a controversial issue The project is a joint such as human resources , materials , machinery and expenses in a container while the organization to achieve a goal within certain goals and objectives . There is also the nature of a project is a temporary and within the time limited by time . A project usually occurs due to an urgent need for the demands of the development of a predetermined location . and this is the mean by project management or project management that is ......... Project management is a way of organizing and managing an important source of income to complete a project that is being made ​​or is being done by the company related ........ RISK MANAGEMENT OF A PROJECT MANAGEMENT  is : limited natural resources , human resources , and machine if a project management was not going according to plan , the project will have kehambatan , such as lack of funds , the pr...


          My name is Indra Febian in my family I am the youngest child I have a brother and sister that 2 men named Andreas Adistana and my sister was named Vonny old Adistana.Orang I have a different background , mama I'm coming from Manado which was raised in Surabaya while papa I come from west Java in ciamis his right . I was born in Surabaya and raised in Calcutta I was born in February 1993 on December 04 when I was 19 years old I like to play futsal , badminton , basketball , swimming , and many other sport which I dream I was sukai.Cita wanted to be a pilot but it all has gone as I eye disease is cataract disease I contracted the disease when I was 5 years old and at that time I was taken to the hospital eye Jakarta is Jakarta eyes Center . I operated on both eyes two before I go to elementary school I went to primary school at age 6 years.I had once attended elementary Bojong Swamp Lumbu VI in elementary school I was educated in tesebut I have many frie...

Artikel Noun Clauses

            Noun Clause  A noun clause (  Sebuah klausa nomina) adalah sekelompok kata-kata yang berisi subjek dan kata kerja; Namun, hal itu tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat. misalnya Apa yang Anda pikirkan tidak masalah.  Sebuah klausa kata benda dapat digunakan sebagai subjek atau objek dalam bentuk sebagai berikut:  misalnya Apa yang Anda pikirkan tidak masalah.  Dalam contoh ini, klausa kata benda adalah subyek dari kalimat.  misalnya Aku tidak tahu apa yang dia pikir.  Dalam contoh ini, klausa kata benda adalah obyek kalimat.  A. Sebuah klausul Noun dapat dimulai dengan ...  1 .... kata pertanyaan:           di mana dia tinggal           apa yang dikatakan           siapa orang itu           bagaimana dia bertahan  2 .... "apakah" atau "jika"...


1.SIMPLE TENSES     a. SIMPLE PRESENT adalah  menggunakan bentuk kata kerja dasar (menulis, pekerjaan),  atau, untuk mata pelajaran tunggal orang ketiga, bentuk dasar ditambah-s berakhir  (dia menulis, dia bekerja). contoh kalimat : he/she/it walks , he/she/it studies   b. SIMPLE PAST  adalah  menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan di masa lalu relatif terhadap pembicara atau penulis. contoh kalimat : she/he/it walked , he/she/it worked    c. SIMPLE FUTURE  adalah menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan adalah di masa depan relatif terhadap pembicara  atau penulis.Tidak ada bentuk infleksi untuk masa depan dalam bahasa Inggris (tidak seperti orang-ed atau-s ujung dalam tenses lain). Sebaliknya, masa depan tegang mempekerjakan verba membantu akan  atau harus dengan bentuk dasar dari kata kerja. contoh kalimat : I will sleep 2. PERFECT TENSES and PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSES     a . PRESENT PERFECT ada...